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发布日期:2015年12月08日     点击次数:     录入者:陈燕萍      来源:本站原创


Part1 Review for the coming oral test
Part2 Tenses
1.      show the passage: What tenses can you find? What are they?
( the simple present tense, the simple past tense, the present perfect tense )
2.      the simple present tense
 what is the simple present tense?
 What is the structure?
 How can we use it? Remember some phrases.
3.      the simple past tense
 what is the simple past tense?
 What is the structure?
 How can we use it? Remember some phrases.
4.      Do exercise1
5.      the present perfect tense
 what is the present perfect tense?
 What is the structure?
 How can we use it? Remember some phrases.
6.      exercise: choose
7.      Look at the pictures, say something about Chang Zhou in the past and now.
8.      Talk about the changes in CZ.
Part3 passive voice
1.      show some sentences
2. Look and think what voice they are?
3. Change the active voice into passive voice
4. Say the changes in CZ with passive voice.
5. Exercise 2
6, When can’t we use passive voice?
7. Exercise 3
Part4 Homework
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